Monday, January 3, 2011


Knowledge, Inspiration and Insight are usually derived from the simple things of life.
The beauty of simplicity is seen in nature- the green vegetables, ocean currents, waterfalls,
ways of the ants and lifestyle of animals.

There are animals that are much stronger, bigger and wiser than the lion, yet he was crowned
the King of the Jungle. This it merited with its rare characters that distinguished it from the
entire race of the animal kingdom.

The lion hunts down its own prey- it does not feed on games it did not kill.

The lion has a prey in mind before it attacks. It stands in an elevated spot, watches the herd,
targets an animal then roars and goes for the targeted animal with full force.

The lions live in groups called pride. A pride consists of close to thirty lions including their clubs.
Each pride is headed by a fully grown lion.
If an animal strays into a pride and its size cannot feed the entire pride, the head lets it go alive.

A lion catches its prey faster when the prey begins to take a turn. Despite its speed it is able 
to manuevour and take a turn to catch up with its prey.


The lion feeds on fresh meat which it kills itself. We should learn to go for what u want, which might not
necessarily be what is availble at a point in time. Lets take charge of our lifes and stop shying away from
our responsibilities. We should give all it takes to achieve our goals and defend our pride ''Planet Earth''

Just like the lion which has one mate in a lifetime, we should be committed to true friendship, family,
professional and business relationships. Its only when we place value and premium on our relatioships that we
will derive the hidden power vested in people we meet at every phase of our lifes.

Just as the lion has prey in mind before it attacks, we should always focus on one thing at a time and give all 
it takes to achieve it. Although the leopard is much faster and more agile than the lion, it loses its prey because
of lack of focus. Most of the time it goes home hungry.

The lion does not give up chase after its preys.It catches them when they begin to take a turn. So, never give up in face of trouble and difficulty.

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